Saturday, May 12, 2012

Trading in Our Horses (& Picture Day)

Today was a pretty big day for us. We took the girls' for their 4 year old pictures followed by trading in our beloved horses for new, big girl toys.

We had fun getting all dressed up for the pictures, and this was one of the best photo shoots we've ever had. Everyone cooperated and smiled. I can hardly wait to see how they turn out.

Sponge Rollers
Our Beautiful Ella
Our Beautiful Emma
After we were done taking pictures, we headed to the mall to buy new toys, using the old horses as payment. The girls were very excited to get new toys, not fully understanding the impact this day would have on them. Here's how it went:

First, you have to pick which one you want.
After watching many episodes of My Little Pony, both picked pink unicorns.
Next comes the fluff.
Put the fluff in the machine.
Watch as your new toy is filled with fluff (with covered ears because that machine is loud).
Let your magical ponies help pick an outfit.
Get them dressed
Show them how much you love them.
Say goodbye to your old horses.
And finally, "pay" for the new ponies.
Both girls named their's Pony.
I was amazed at how easily the girls handed their horses to the clerk to pay for the new ponies. It wasn't until we got home at nap time they realized what had happened. Their horses were left at the mall, and they no longer had their favorite toy. They started playing with those horses at only 6 months old and had not slept without them since. In fact many of the pictures we have of them have the horses in the picture also. So, to them, it was like losing a best friend. Many, many tears have been shed today (some from mommy too.) They have begged to go back to the mall and get their horses back, even offering to take the new toys back if they can only have the horses back. It's been a pretty rough afternoon and evening to say the least. We are sincerely hoping they are able to get through their grief as soon as possible.

If you a wondering why we are putting Ella and Emma and ourselves through this, well, manly for their teeth. As I said earlier, they received their horses at 6 months old which was also when we got rid of pacifiers. The horses were not meant to replace the pacifiers, as they were given to go with their first Halloween costume. They were the cutest little cowgirls, carrying their horses with them from that day forward. Both girls ended up attaching that need to suck to the horses. Ella would chew on the leg of her horse, and Emma would suck her thumb (as you can see in the goodbye picture above). But, they both only did these actions when holding the horses. So, to break the bad habits, the horses had to go and this seemed the most fun way to do that. As I listen to them crying, I know it's the right thing, but this momma's heart is definitely breaking.

(By the way, the clerk did sneak the horses back to Bryan as he was paying for the new ponies. They have been washed one last time and put in a safe place until our girls are ready to see them for the memories. Probably not until they are adults.)


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