Saturday, November 30, 2013


We enjoyed a family filled Thanksgiving.  First we went to Nana and Papa's house for Wednesday and Thursday.  The food and visiting were abundant.
 Four Generations: (Papa and Nana, Datt, Daddy, Emma and Ella)
 On Friday we drove to Mamaw and Papaw's house.  We made a brief stop at the hunting lease to drop Daddy and Datt off for the night while us girls (including Memaw) went on into town to the house.
 Our girls "slept" on an extra wide chair and ottoman.  Ella is coughing a lot this trip, so I don't think we really slept all that much.

Excited to be sharing this "bed."
 Pretending to sleep:
 How they really looked sleeping: (I was up several times making sure they didn't fall on the floor and giving cough medicine.)
Despite all the coughing, it was great to spend time with family!  When we got home this evening we went to see Frozen.  It is our new favorite movie.  I can see us coming back to see it again.

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

November Happenings

Daddy took a trip for a couple of days.  We missed him:
 Ella disguised her turkey to look like Ariel so it wouldn't be eaten for Thanksgiving.  (Emma's looked very similar, but I can't seem to find that picture.)
 Our girls are becoming great readers!  Ella is reading a book to Daddy, and Emma is reading one to me.
 Playing at the mall:
 Playing in the leaves:
 I recently found this note Ella wrote to Emma.  It melts my heart to see how much they love each other.
 Some silly hats we tried on in a convenience store:
 Sleeping Pictures:
After finding Emma sleeping like this a couple of nights in a row, she told us it is warmer at the foot of the bed.  So, we switched the sheets and pillows around on both beds making the foot the head of the bed.
 I just thought this was pretty, even if it is a dandelion, or as the girls call it, a wisher.

Tuesday, November 26, 2013


Unfortunately, our girls have been coughing a LOT lately.  Even though they coughed most of September through January last year, this year already seems worse!  We are tired of our pediatrician treating it the same way every time we go in, even though those treatments don't seem to be helping.  So, we are getting an appointment with an ENT.  

When it snowed 4" the other day, our girls really wanted to go out to play. We said no out of fear it would make their coughs worse.  However, they seem a little better today, and the snow is almost gone, so it's today or not until the next snowfall for them to play in the snow.  They loved making snowballs and throwing them at each other, me and the fence.  And wouldn't you know it, they didn't cough a single time while outside.
 Preparing to attack Mommy:
 Haha! We got you!
 Then they decided to attack the fence instead: