Saturday, November 30, 2013


We enjoyed a family filled Thanksgiving.  First we went to Nana and Papa's house for Wednesday and Thursday.  The food and visiting were abundant.
 Four Generations: (Papa and Nana, Datt, Daddy, Emma and Ella)
 On Friday we drove to Mamaw and Papaw's house.  We made a brief stop at the hunting lease to drop Daddy and Datt off for the night while us girls (including Memaw) went on into town to the house.
 Our girls "slept" on an extra wide chair and ottoman.  Ella is coughing a lot this trip, so I don't think we really slept all that much.

Excited to be sharing this "bed."
 Pretending to sleep:
 How they really looked sleeping: (I was up several times making sure they didn't fall on the floor and giving cough medicine.)
Despite all the coughing, it was great to spend time with family!  When we got home this evening we went to see Frozen.  It is our new favorite movie.  I can see us coming back to see it again.

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