Friday, March 28, 2014

March Madness- Our Style

Our knights with shields and swords:
 One day we packed a picnic for lunch, picked up Daddy from work, and went to a nearby park.  Our girls declared this as a, "Best Day Ever!"
 The first day of Spring Break was house cleaning day.  To make it more fun, we played 80's music nice and loud, and wore our tiaras!  Ella and Emma are getting more and more helpful around the house.
 My attempt at a hairstyle I saw online.  It turned out ok, but not quite like the picture.
 Sadly, illness struck again.  This time Ella had tonsillitis.  So, it was another campout in the living room to keep a close eye on her all night.  Of course, Emma wanted to sleep in there with us.  (Daddy claims Mommy sleeps with her legs like this although she has never woken up in that position.)
 A sweet note Emma wrote for Ella while I took her to the doctor.
 Sleeping Sweetly!

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