Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Spring Gymnastics

Our girls are learning and improving with each new gymnastics class.  This session really seems to be working on beginning tumbling (cart wheels, round offs, hand stands, beginning back hand springs, etc.) with time spent on the other apparatuses as well.  They have opened a new gym for the younger kids to help with space constraints at the big gym and for safety when the team is practicing.  I am able to watch all their classes in the new gym, which is really nice.  I took my camera to today's class.  (Emma- purple pants and white striped shirt, Ella- pink shorts leotard)

Back walk overs:
Hand stands:
Casting and Glide Swings on the bars:
Coming out of back hand springs (with much help still):
After a really good cartwheel:
Climbing the rope:
It's really neat to watch them improve from week to week!

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