Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Pulminologist and Science Spectrum

This morning we drove to Lubbock for our appointments with the pulminologist.  This appointment has taken us almost 4 months to get in an effort to find a solution to the almost endless coughing.  After a lung test and a nice long visit with the doctor, we discovered their lungs are fine.  The tests showed their lungs to be functioning in the normal level with no obvious cause for all the coughing.  She was also able to rule out asthma.  So, the current theory is the cough is being caused by post nasal drip, probably from allergies.  She also confirmed they have very large tonsils, which we need to keep an eye on.  So, we are now being referred to an allergist.  Hopefully, it will not take too long to get that appointment.

Since we had to miss an entire day of school anyway, we decided to visit the Science Spectrum.  That made for a very fun afternoon.  We had fun as a family, and may have even learned a thing or two while we were there.
 Bubble Wall Reflection Family Portrait

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