Saturday, June 21, 2014

A Few Recent Crochet Projects

I have been busy crocheting this month as well.  Here are a few of my recent projects:

A Hippo Lovey for Baby Keeley, daughter of some of our friends at church:
After seeing the hippo, our girls really wanted one.  But, I knew such a small toy would be played with for way less time than it would take me to make two of them.  So, I considered making them something bigger.  At first they wanted cats, but free, crochet, cute cat patterns proved a little hard to find.  Then I found this teddy bear pattern.  The girls and I loved it, but I still wasn't sure I wanted to spend that much time and effort on a new toy for them right now.  Then they came to me with a deal, "Mommy, if we buy the yarn, will you make us those teddy bears?"  How do I say no to that?  I don't.  Instead, we grabbed their birthday money and headed to Hobby Lobby to pick out the yarn.  The picture on the pattern showed the bear made out of pastel yarn, but Ella couldn't find a pastel purple that she really liked.  However, they had both admired the bright yarns while looking for the pastels.  When I explained, I could make it out of any color they wanted, they quickly went back to the bright colors.  They were very proud of themselves at checkout to be paying for the supplies to make the bears.  I spent every spare moment crocheting and managed to finish them in 9 days.  
Over the past few months I have also been working on a surprise for my brother and his wife for their first anniversary.  After their wedding, we had as many people as were willing to write a special note to the couple on the special shirts we all wore for the wedding and give them to me.  I took all those shirts and crocheted them together into a blanket.  The blanket is two-sided with t-shirts on both sides.  Here are the results:

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