Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Vacation Bible School

We have attended VBS at my parent's church this week.  The theme is God's Dynasty, based on the TV show Duck Dynasty.  Our girls had a great time putting on the camo face paint and playing on the slide the last day, but more importantly they love learning about God, reading their Bibles, singing and praying.

As we were walking out to the car after the first evening, I received the best compliment.  One of the ladies who was teaching the class our girls were in caught me to say how cute and well behaved they were.  Then she paid them the ultimate compliment, "And they really know their Bible!"  Made me proud.

Each night the kids worked on learning a new version of "The Lord's Army" song.  While they sang many versions I had never heard of, the one they really worked on the most was "The Lord's Army: Duck Dynasty Style."  On the last night they recorded all the kids singing it on the stage to send to the TV show.

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