Saturday, July 5, 2014

California Part 3- Redding

The third and final portion of our vacation was at my cousin's house in Redding, CA.  Their house is located on the Sacramento River.  It is absolutely beautiful, both the house and the view.  We had such a good time visiting and spending time together.
Wednesday PM: We drove to Redding.  After dinner, we headed to the beautiful Sundial Bridge.  We were there at sunset and were able to watch it light up while the girls put their feet in the water.
Thursday: After spending the night in a very nice camping trailer in the driveway, Bryan and some of the other guys went early to play 9 holes of golf.  After they returned, we headed back up the river to go rafting.  That was a lot of fun!  The water was COLD, but Bryan, Bryan, and Newton jumped in anyways.  We also dropped the girls in with a firm grip on their life jackets.  They loved it!  I wish I had pictures, but I didn't want to risk getting a camera wet.  We spent the rest of the day napping and visiting.  The girls are thoroughly enjoying playing with Katie and Madeline's old Barbie dolls in a room where they can shut the door to get a break from the dogs.

Friday:  Happy 4th of July!  Today we took the girls to Kids Kingdom, an amazing fort like playground with a splash pad complete with erupting water volcano.  So much fun!  Daddy stayed with the girls while Karen, Madeline, and I got pedicures.  We had the ranch meeting in the afternoon, with mom and dad on the phone as they were back home dealing with the aftermath of the fire.  We then ate a delicious meal Jennifer prepared.  We decided to stay up extra late tonight and go watch the city's fireworks.  They were amazing, especially with the reflections on the river.  With the very slow traffic heading back, we didn't get in until 11:00pm.  Good thing I had already packed up during the afternoon.
Beautiful sunset while eating smores:
Saturday:  Long day of traveling home.  We drove back to Sacramento, returned our rental car, then flew home in 2 legs.  Our girls have been such troopers!  They were so very well behaved the entire trip.  It was a great time with family!
Our sweet girls reading in the airport while waiting on our plane.

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