Sunday, August 17, 2014


It has taken 2 solid weeks for recovery, but I think our girls are finally about well.  We had some good days and some days with more pain.  Ella and Emma really did very well about not complaining, and generally being good sports about everything.  God has blessed us with no coughing before or during surgery, or in these two weeks post-op.  And I discovered how wonderful Lavender Essential Oil is: would take away their pain within minutes while the prescription pain medicine started to work.

These pictures are from a few days ago when the girls were having a really good day:

"Fixing" Mommy's hair:
We went out for some birthday cake ice cream:
When we got home, we noticed an estate sale across the street.  The girls wanted to go look around, and they spotted this doll house in one of the first rooms we went in.  After a little negotiating and getting pity on two precious girls who just had their tonsils out and have to stay relatively calm for more than another week, we got a really good deal for the house, all the furniture, and a family of dolls.  They played and played with this during their recovery time!
Our girls even felt well enough to walk around in the little rain shower we got this afternoon:
We are so thankful that everything has gone as well as it has!

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