Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Tonsillectomies & Adenoidectomies

A BIG DAY for our family!  Today is the day we are praying will take care of all the strep throat infections and coughing (see note at the bottom).  Today, both our girls had their tonsils and adenoids removed.

Watching Frozen on the iPad while waiting for our turn:
 In a great mood before surgery:
 It's Emma's turn and she is ready!  (She did cry a little as they rolled her down the hall, but I was told by the doctor and anesthesiologist that she stopped as soon as she got in the operating room.)
 When Ella's turn came, she was a little more nervous because she had heard Emma crying, but I managed to get a smile before they rolled her down the hall.  (She also cried a little, but did great once in the operating room.)
 Emma Post-op:
 Both girls did great with their surgeries and wanted to eat when they got home.  God answered our prayers for safe surgeries and continues to bless us with how well they did today.  We are praying for a quick and complete recovery.
(Updated Oct. 31, 2014: Unfortunately,  Emma has gotten strep once, and both girls are coughing again since the surgery.)

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