Sunday, January 24, 2016


Yesterday I learned, given the right motivation, Daddy and I can still run the 100 yard dash.  Our sweet girls were out for a bicycle ride down the street, while Bryan and I were relaxing inside.  All of a sudden, in burst Ella.  Emma had fallen and hurt her elbow.  I quickly put on some shoes and ran out to check on her.  A quick bandaid and she was fine.  

A few minutes later, in burst a very breathless Emma.  "Mommy, come quick! Ella tripped and fell.  She hit her head, and she can't get up!" Needless to say, we jumped up and RAN out the door.  Ella was half way down the next block.  Hence, the 100 yard dash.  When we got there, the mother of the house where she had fallen had Ella in her lap with a wad of kleenex held up to her nose, while her husband was getting a bag of ice.  Contrary to our worst fears after Emma's proclamation of "can't get up," Ella had not lost consciousness.  She had been playing on a friend's scooter, when she hit a bump and went flying off, landing on her face. (Now, usually when one of our girls gets hurt while playing outside, the other will run in to get me while the injured daughter slowly makes her way home as well.  Ella was hurt badly enough, she couldn't come home, which explains Emma's statement.) We sat in their driveway trying to calm Ella down and stop the bleeding for a few minutes.  Then Rob (the dad of the house where she fell) gave Ella and I a ride home while Daddy walked Ella's bike home.  There was a fair amount of blood and a great number of tears, understandably so.  Her nose and lip are all scratched up and swollen, but no serious damage seems to have been done.  (She also has scratches on her shoulder and arm, but she has yet to notice those.) Once we were all cleaned up and calmed down, we decided Chick-fil-A was in order for dinner.  

The picture is how she looks this morning.  Swollen and sore, but a real trooper who isn't complaining much.  Praying she heals quickly without a scar.  I have to say, I am somewhat thankful that Emma hurt her elbow first because I had already put on my shoes when Ella had her more serious accident.

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