Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Cautiously Optimistic

Today, Ella and Emma did much better with their feeding from a bottle. Ella ate over half of her bottles at each feeding during the day. Emma actually ate all but 4 oz. at the 8:00 pm feeding.

For those of you who do not know, feeding is the only thing keeping them in NICU. Once they are able to take all of their feedings by bottle and finish the bottle in 30 minutes, we will be able to bring them home. They are currently alternating between bottle and tube feeding. At the bottle feeding times, they are stopped and tube fed the remainder of the bottle after about 25 minutes. Once they finish their bottles at the scheduled bottle feedings, the nurses will begin bottle feeding at the tube feeding times.

So, the fact that they ate so well during the day today, is a very good sign. We are very hopeful that they are beginning to get the hang of eating from a bottle and are even closer to coming home. We don't want to get our hopes up too high, but that sure is hard to do after such a good day. We hope and pray they will continue to do well throughout the night and tomorrow. We can hardly wait to have them home with us.

1 comment:

Harmony said...

I'm so glad you started a blog. I've been very curious how the girls are doing. I'm glad they are doing well and hope they keep it up so they can go home soon. Keep the updates and pictures coming. I love it.