Friday, August 3, 2012

Alaskan Cruise Day 7: At Sea

Today I'm going to start with the BEST part of the day, even though it happened in the middle: The Kids Talent Show.  First a little background into this.  A couple of days ago, when I went to pick the girls up from the kids area, one of the counselors asked me if it would be ok for the girls to participate in a talent show.  This surprised me, as I didn't know there was one, but I agreed.  I commented to her that I wasn't sure what they would do, but she assured me that they had already been practicing singing a song about Jesus for it.  It made my heart happy to hear they wanted to sing a song about Jesus.  Well, this morning, Emma started saying she didn't want to do it anymore.  We talked with her about it, and encouraged her to participate, but also explained that she didn't have to if she really didn't want to get up on the stage.  Well, we took the girls to the kids area to get ready, while we went on to the theater, arriving plenty early to get second row seats for the show.  Our girls group was the last one to come into the theater, and sure enough, Emma was being carried by one of the counselors.  She was in tears because she did NOT want to stand up there and sing.  The counselors let both girls sit with us until it was their turn.  They let us know when it was Ella and Emma's turn, and Emma decided she wanted to sit with her daddy instead of singing.  Ella, however, just wanted me to sit on the steps to the stage.  She walked right over, took the microphone, and belted out "Jesus Loves Me."  She did AWESOME!!!  We are all so very proud of her.  She did the best in her age group, in my not so biased opinion.  She was spectacular!  A little later in the show, all the kids from ages 3-7 who wanted to went up and sang a song they had learned for the show, "Crabs and Seashells". Emma, once again, did not want to go, but Ella proudly participated.  (By the way, I am equally proud of Emma for stating her feelings and not allowing anyone to pressure her into doing something she did not want to do.)
Our Little Girl on that Big Stage

This morning we attended a cooking demonstration, followed by a tour of the Galley.

This evening was the second formal night.  We had fun dressing up, and enjoyed another delicious dinner complete with Baked Alaska for dessert.
Ella and Emma

Showing off their cute hairstyle

Annie, Caroline, Datt, Emma, Price, Memaw, Ella

Baked Alaska on Parade
Ella swinging her napkin for the parade

Emma joining in on the fun

Our Servers

After dinner, we went and watched the stage show, "The British Invasion."  It was pretty good.  It was interesting to see one of their shows, as that stage is located directly above our room with part of the backstage area sharing our wall.  We've been hearing all the stomping and moving about every night as well as some kind of lift that goes up and down multiple times during each show.

Only one more stop tomorrow before we get back to Seattle.

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