Saturday, June 29, 2013

Newton and Jennifer's Wedding

My brother and his lovely wife got married this afternoon.  The wedding was uniquely casual.  Everyone, including the bride and groom, wore t-shirts they had made stating their relationship to the happy couple.  Ella and Emma were honored (or should I say ecstatic) about being the flower girls.
The original plan was for Emma and Ella to sit by me after they walked down the aisle.  That's how we rehearsed it.  Then, after they walked down the aisle, they turned to me and said, "Mommy, when do we get to stand on the stage by Jennifer?"  What could I say?  "Ummmm... right now."  So, they sat on the steps for most of the ceremony and really did a very nice job.

 The ceremony began with the preacher quoting from "The Princess Bride." He did a great impersonation, which had everyone cracking up.
The reception was lovely, with lots of nice visiting.  After it was over, most of my mom's family came over to our house for pizza and more visiting.  It was a wonderful day!
Handing out the bubbles:

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