Thursday, June 13, 2013

Port Aransas Day 5

Today we took a little trip to the Texas State Aquarium in Corpus Christi.  We all had fun watching the animals, and even getting to touch some of them.
 Petting the Sting Rays:
 Emma's Wing Span:
 Ella's Wing Span:
 Looking at the sharks:
 Dolphin Show:
 First picture they wanted me to take:
 Looking at the seahorses through a bubble in the aquarium:

After we'd made our way through the entire aquarium, we let the girls play in the Splash Zone for about an hour.  (Emma is wearing the blue Ariel swimsuit, while Ella has on the colorful striped swimsuit.)
 Digging for fossils:
 Back to the water:
The large bucket just tipped over:
 They each got to pick a toy to bring home.  In the car, we actually named the stuffed animals (a first for us.) I helped Ella come up with a name for her seahorse- Shelly.  Emma didn't like any of my suggestions, but after I mentioned the name Daisy she said, "No Mama, her name can't be Daisy because it is Rose."  We were just ecstatic that they had a name other than dolphin or seahorse.

When we were all worn out, we headed home, taking a slightly longer route so the girls could experience a ride on the ferry.  (Of course, we had to wake them up to see it, but they really did want to see it.)

Next, a stop for some tasty ice cream at a cute little shop.  Emma, Ella, and Mommy took a moment to pretend to be mermaids on the way inside.

And we ended our day with a  sunset dip in the ocean.

Another great day of vacation!

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