Monday, December 30, 2013

Remembering the Joys of 2013

2013, like most other years, has had it's ups and downs.  We've been on vacations- Port Aransas, Walt Disney World, the Ranch, and visiting family.  And we've hit a couple of big milestones- turning 5 and starting Kindergarten.  While those are big events we will probably never forget, it's the smaller day to day events, the general days of life, that I hope we always remember- playing in the mud, swimming, funny sleeping positions, singing our favorite worship song, our precious girls' sweet smiles, and the joy they bring to each day.  We are blessed beyond measure, and I pray we focus  on those blessings every day.  I thank God for my family and the journey we are on together.  May He bless us in the coming year with more fun times, healing from the never ending coughs, and a generally good 2014.  May we better recognize and celebrate the day to day joys of our Double "E" Blessed life.

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