Sunday, December 22, 2013

The Polar Express

We rode the Polar Express this evening!  Unfortunately, Daddy had a stomach ache this morning, so he wasn't able to join us, and we missed him greatly.  We still managed to have a great time.  
We had a little time to look around the train station before our train was scheduled to leave.
 All aboard and ready to go! From the time we boarded until we got off the train, they played music from The Polar Express soundtrack.
 Ella is so excited!
 Emma is too!
 Leaving the station:
 Hot, Hot, Hot... Hot Chocolate: (It was actually just the right temperature, but our girls are not big fans of hot chocolate.)
 And Cookies!
 During part of our trip to the North Pole, we listened to the book by Chris VanAllsburg.  The staff walked around showing everyone the pictures from the book.
 The conductor came by and punched all the kid's tickets.  Ella's ticket had an E punched into it, and Emma's ticket got a heart.
 The "North Pole" (I would hope it looks better for the rides that take place in the dark.)
 Santa boarded our train car!!!
 He took the time to speak with every child, give them a bell, and take pictures.
 Jingle, the elf, came too.  She was very kind to speak with our girls.  She even gave them some of her magic sparkle dust on their hands
 Ella and Jingle:
 Emma and her bell:
 Ella and her bell:
 The conductor, wait staff, and even Jingle did a lot of dancing in the aisles during our ride.
 Our girls even joined in on the fun:
What a fantastically magical evening!

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