Saturday, May 31, 2014

A Few More Moments for May

Spending the night in Memaw's bed:
Running through the sprinklers:
We've been teasing the girls when they ask what's for dinner that we will have octopus.  So, one day we had octopus and driftwood: (hot dogs and Cheetos)
Unfortunately, we've had more sickness this month as well.  More coughing for both of them, strep throat for Ella, and tonsillitis and strep for Emma.  We went to the allergist, but only to find out allergies are not the cause.  (Ella's allergy tests came back with no allergic reactions, and Emma only had a slight allergy to house dust.)  The current theory is cough variant asthma, but that diagnosis was made by the allergist after reading their files but before he had looked at either one of them, so we are not convinced.  We are trying to get back in with the ENT to see about taking tonsils out, but our ENT is on maternity leave until July, so it will be a while before we can see her.  Our poor girls have been real troopers through all of these illnesses and doctors visits.
A few fun sleeping pictures:

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