Thursday, December 1, 2011

Children's Christmas Caroling for LIFT

 Our church has a program called LIFT (Ladies In Fellowship Together).  They have get togethers for the ladies of our congregation every other month or so.  For our December party, they decided to have the children provide the entertainment.  During Sunday evening worship, for over a month, the kids met to learn the songs.  Of course we were excited for our girls to participate.  So, we started singing Christmas carols in October this year.  Our girls learned the songs to the best of their abilities.

When the night of their performance came, we were all very excited.  Grammy, Memaw, Aunt Ashley, Mommy, and even Daddy were excited to attend our girls' first concert.  Unfortunately, even though we took the video camera, it was not functioning correctly, so we did not get much on video.  
Dress Rehearsal
The Whole Group
Ella, our more outgoing child at this moment, loved it!  She smiled and sang and looked around at everyone.  Emma did not have as much fun.  They were supposed to be sitting together, but at the last minute, a little boy bumped Emma and took her seat.  She was already nervous, and that was more than she could handle.  She tried her hardest not to cry, but lost that battle and ended up crying through most of the concert.  Eventually, I motioned for her to come sit in my lap for the remainder, and Ella quickly joined her in my lap.

Ella and Santa

After they finished singing, Santa showed up.  He took the time to speak with each child and gave them a small stocking with a candy cane in it.  I was pleasantly surprised by how well our girls did talking to Santa.  They both thoroughly enjoyed their visits.

"Thank you, Santa!" ~Ella

Emma Loves Santa!
Santa was making Emma laugh by playing with her hat.

After their visits with Santa, Daddy took them home, while I stayed for the remainder of the evening's activities.  It was a fun, memorable night.  I am one proud Momma of two sweet, singing girls!

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