Saturday, December 31, 2011

Extended Family Christmas Celebrations

First came Christmas with Daddy's family:



Memaw was so happy to receive new pictures of her
kids and grandkids, she started crying.

Memaw explaining to the grandkids, the reason they received
new suitcases and backpacks is:
They're taking us on an ALASKAN CRUISE this summer!!!

Then we celebrated with Mommy's family:
Snow White Dolls

Daddy helping us figure out what's in this big box
from Grammie and Grandy.

It's a new, indoor see-saw!

Aleisha snuggled up under the afghan I made for
her birthday and Christmas present.

Our Angels modeling new Mickey
jammies from the Lights.
What a wonderful Christmas season this has been.  We love our families so very much and know how much we are loved by them.  Thank you all for making this a wonderful Christmas!

1 comment:

LisaN said...

I'm just reading this. Cool about the Alaskan cruise! You'll see lots of places I've never been, even having lived there for 6 1/2 years. I wonder if Valdez is one of the docking points? Let me know when you know what your schedule will be, as I am curious! I'm excited for you! Let me know if you need any packing tips. ;-)