Saturday, December 31, 2011

2011 Recap

What a great year this has been!  We've settled into our new house, done some remodeling, and replaced the sewer line.  We took vacations to the Bahamas, Junction, and the Ranch.  We've played with family and friends, and many other activities to fill our year.

Looking back, I'm amazed at how much our girls have grown.  They've gone from being toddlers to preschoolers.  They have very active imaginations and stay busy most of the time.  They play hard, work hard, and sleep hard.  All the while, bringing us joy and laughter.  Of course, they have their moments which frustrate us to no end, but that's part of what being 3 this all about.

I know I've said it before and I'm sure I'll say it over and over again, but we truly are blessed beyond measure.  Now to see what wonderful plans God has for us in 2012.

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