Monday, July 9, 2012

A Surprise for Daddy

I must admit, I, Mommy, dropped the ball when it came to presents for Daddy for both Father's Day and his birthday.  I had great plans, but didn't follow through with them in a timely manner.  However, I did take the supplies to the ranch with us, and we finally completed his surprise.  



After they finger painted it the first time, the colors all mixed together making a lovely brown.  So, we went back after it was dry and added a few fresh, vibrant colors.

When Daddy joined us at the ranch, he was surprised and very touched by his girls' creations.

Here are the completed works as they hang in his office:
Emma tells her Daddy how much she loves every chance she gets.
Ella has started telling Daddy this when he leaves for work in the morning.
We're not sure where she got this from, but it sure is sweet.

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