Friday, July 20, 2012

Wonderful Night at Wonderland

We enjoyed a very fun evening at Wonderland with Bryan's company again this year.  As the girls keep growing, they are able to ride more of the rides.  They are definitely our children, as they love to ride the rides.

1st time on bumper cars

This year, the girls decided they wanted to ride the big plume water ride, and daddy agreed to go with them.  They managed to get seats on the front row:
Going Up!

Coming Down!

That's Bryan in front holding onto the girls.

Our Brave, WET Trio.
They loved it so much, they rode 2 times and waited on the bridge to get extra wet both times.

We also decided to try miniature golf.  This didn't go as well as we had hoped, mostly because the girls didn't understand not to go pick the ball up as soon as you hit it.   Ella, however, is a great shot!  With her first shot, her daddy told her to hit it hard, and she did!  The ball flew straight off the club face and nailed me square on the ankle.  OUCH!!  With my ankle hurting and the girls getting frustrated, we only played 3 holes before calling it quits.  I think we need to work on playing golf a bit more before trying again.
Daddy and Ella

Mommy and Emma

When we were about ready to head home, Datt insisted on one ride with his granddaughters.  What a great way to enjoy the sunset!

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