Saturday, May 31, 2014

A Few More Moments for May

Spending the night in Memaw's bed:
Running through the sprinklers:
We've been teasing the girls when they ask what's for dinner that we will have octopus.  So, one day we had octopus and driftwood: (hot dogs and Cheetos)
Unfortunately, we've had more sickness this month as well.  More coughing for both of them, strep throat for Ella, and tonsillitis and strep for Emma.  We went to the allergist, but only to find out allergies are not the cause.  (Ella's allergy tests came back with no allergic reactions, and Emma only had a slight allergy to house dust.)  The current theory is cough variant asthma, but that diagnosis was made by the allergist after reading their files but before he had looked at either one of them, so we are not convinced.  We are trying to get back in with the ENT to see about taking tonsils out, but our ENT is on maternity leave until July, so it will be a while before we can see her.  Our poor girls have been real troopers through all of these illnesses and doctors visits.
A few fun sleeping pictures:

Friday, May 30, 2014

Last Day of Kindergarten

First day of Kindergarten:
Last day of Kindergarten: My how we've grown up!
We took our girls to the pizza place for lunch and games to celebrate:
I'm not quite ready for this yet, but they think they are:
Our first graders:

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Enjoying Our Birthday Presents!

Playing in the sandbox:
Trying out roller skates:
Sleeping under our new blankets:
Playing Doc McStuffins Operation:
New jammies for us and our toys:
Eating up the birthday cake:
Just to show a few of the ways they've been using their birthday presents.

Monday, May 19, 2014

My Favorite 6 Year Olds

Wow!  SIX years old.  How is that possible?!?  What a wonderful 6 years it has been too!

Ella and Emma are my very most favorite 6 year olds.  They are my favorite kids!  It might be because I'm their mom, but I still think they are pretty special.

They are each other's best friend, and they love each other greatly.  They play well together, and get along fantastically, well most of the time.  They work hard at school and are doing well there.  They are kind and generous and loving.  They are also very good singers.

Ella is outgoing and bubbly.  She loves to pose for pictures and laughs a lot.  She is tender hearted and does not like to see anyone sad or hurting.  She will try to make a sad person laugh to make their day better.  She is very protective of Emma.  She is a bit scared of thunderstorms, but that just gives us more reasons to snuggle.  She is a sweet girl, and we love her very much!

Emma is happy and sweet.  She is a bit shy in new situations, but opens up once she becomes more familiar with things.  She is also tenderhearted.  She will try to make you laugh to cheer you up.  She pays close attention to details and wants to make sure she knows all about something before trying it herself.  She loves to be held and "loved on" (have her back, arms, and legs scratched/rubbed).  We love her very much!

Happy 6th Birthday!

This evening, we celebrated our girls birthday with our family.  We started with dinner at McDonalds (E&E's choice).  Then we went to our house to open presents.  I just love how very excited they get for each one!
Princess blankets Grammie made for them:
The only things they asked for from us this year was watering cans and a gardening set.
So, Daddy made them a special box (half garden, half sandbox) to use their new tools in:
Thank you, Daddy!! We love it!!
In fact, they loved it so much they didn't want to come inside for cake.  But after playing a bit more, they decided they wanted cake after all.

Make a wish:
After eating, Ella went back out to use her new watering can some more:
The new Doc McStuffins nightgown is perfect with Emma's Doc McStuffins doctor kit.
A little 6 year old fun:
Happy Birthday Sweet Girls!!

School Birthday Celebration

What a better treat for our girls than a field trip to the zoo on their birthday!  Emma and I walked around with Ella and her class, so we could be together.
Emma, Ella, and friend, Ava.
Ella's class with Emma too:
We ate lunch at the nearby park, then headed back to school.  I ran by the house to get the cupcakes for their birthday celebration.  Their teachers had the kids get ready to go home, and we met on the porch where we usually pick them up from school.  They all sang "Happy Birthday" to our girls and ate the cupcakes.  Our sweet girls even took some of the extra cupcakes to the office for the secretary and principals.
After cupcakes, their teachers got out sidewalk chalk for all the kids to play with until their parents arrived to take them home.  Some of the kids took this opportunity to write birthday messages to our girls.
Caylee and her birthday message:
We were all tuckered out from all the fun.  So, both girls took short naps before continuing the birthday celebration with family.