Monday, May 19, 2014

School Birthday Celebration

What a better treat for our girls than a field trip to the zoo on their birthday!  Emma and I walked around with Ella and her class, so we could be together.
Emma, Ella, and friend, Ava.
Ella's class with Emma too:
We ate lunch at the nearby park, then headed back to school.  I ran by the house to get the cupcakes for their birthday celebration.  Their teachers had the kids get ready to go home, and we met on the porch where we usually pick them up from school.  They all sang "Happy Birthday" to our girls and ate the cupcakes.  Our sweet girls even took some of the extra cupcakes to the office for the secretary and principals.
After cupcakes, their teachers got out sidewalk chalk for all the kids to play with until their parents arrived to take them home.  Some of the kids took this opportunity to write birthday messages to our girls.
Caylee and her birthday message:
We were all tuckered out from all the fun.  So, both girls took short naps before continuing the birthday celebration with family.

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