Saturday, October 19, 2013

Disney Vacation: Going Home

It's been a LONG day for traveling, but we are finally home.  We woke up at 4:55am Eastern time in order to get to the airport on time.  The first legs of our flight went well.  Ella was my traveling partner, and Emma flew with Daddy today.  Ella slept quite a bit on the first leg, which was good so the take offs and landings didn't affect her ears as much.  Emma slept some, but not as much as Ella on that leg.  We at lunch in Dallas before catching our plane home.  We were all boarded and sitting at the gate for about 20 minutes before the captain came on the intercom to tell us there was a problem with our plane, so we needed to disembark, get our boarding passes back, head to a gate on the other side of the airport, wait for a new plane, eventually board the new plane, wait for our luggage to be loaded, and eventually take off.  (We found out while waiting at the new gate, there was a hole in the baggage compartment of our first plane.)  All of that turned into about a 2 hour delay.  We are exhausted, but glad to be home!

Grammie and Grandy gave the girls a Disney necklace with their names on it as a souvenir of the trip:
Saying goodbye to Orlando as the sun was rising:
This picture of Emma is a pretty good depiction of how we were all feeling:
It's been a magical week!  I'm so glad we were able to spend this time together!  We are blessed!

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